About the Dataset
The dataset contains information about 75,000 airports worldwide, including codenames, elevation, frequency, runways, and Wikipedia links. The dataset contains both open and closed airports, each with its specific attributes.
This dataset is obtained from hub.arcgis.com, and this article is published on 05 Aug 2023. Note that the available dataset may only be a small portion of complete set at any given point.
Automated Data Catalog with MachEye
With its low-prep/no-prep data catalog process, MachEye categorizes data into entities and attributes, identifies entity relationships, and enriches the metadata by assigning friendly names. MachEye also measures the quality of data across multiple parameters such as clarity, completeness, consistency, integrity, interpretability, timeliness and uniqueness and scores it on a data quality index. The lower the score, the higher the data quality.

Dataset Insights from MachEye
Here are some interesting answers to questions and insights presented by MachEye on this dataset. These answers and insights are presented in the form of interactive charts, pivot tables, text narratives, and audio-visual data stories.

Identify the top 10 airports with the highest elevations?
The maximum elevation ft are 17,372 for airport 350894 and the minimum elevation ft are 14,541 for airport 356100.

20 countries with the least number of airports
Among 20 countries with the fewest airports, the total is 25. The majority of these countries are in Carribean, and those countries are Curaçao, Saint Barthélemy, Sint Maarten, Dominica, Montserrat, and Saint Lucia.

Find the airport with the lowest elevation
At -1,266ft, the airport with the lowest elevation is Bar Yehuda Airfield MTZ, a medium airport, in Masada.

What are the most common runway surfaces in every continent?
Concrete grooved is the most common surface. The average runway length per airport of the top five runway surfaces are 9,251 feet across seven continents.
As you could see, through a user-friendly interface that includes Google-like search and YouTube-like audio-visual experiences, decision-makers at any level can receive actionable insights and recommendations. MachEye adds a new level of interactivity to data analysis with its actionable "play" button feature.
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MachEye's analytics copilot delivers intelligent search, actionable insights, and interactive stories on business data. It empowers users with conversational answers, summarized narratives, and immersive audio-visual presentations. Offering comprehensive solutions for 'what, why, and how' scenarios, it features a user-friendly interface resembling Google's search and YouTube's audio-visual experiences. Decision-makers at all levels gain actionable insights and recommendations. MachEye elevates data analysis with its interactive 'play' button.
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