Decision intelligence for any data source


Maintain single source of truth for real time insights


Instant Onboarding

Connect to any data store, cloud or on-premise, or simply upload using CSV to quickly start making data consumable and actionable.


No Data Duplication

Avoid data duplication and storage costs by connecting directly to your data source. Have confidence that actionable insights are always based on the latest data.


Secure Data Governance

Apply fine-grained data governance policies easily without writing code to ensure compliance and role-based access for your data.


Quick Start Analytics

Curate data, measure quality, and prepare data for analysis more quickly with an automated data catalog and data quality index.

Access data sources seamlessly

With no data duplication or storage required, implementation time is reduced from months to weeks, without additional infrastructure costs.

Once connected to your data store, we curate the data catalog and entity relationships. Users can start searches within minutes.

Apache Presto
Snowflake CDP Learn More
AWS Redshift Learn More
MS SQLServer
Apache Hive
Azure Synapse Learn More
Databricks Spark
Apache Presto
Snowflake CDP Learn More
AWS Redshift Learn More
MS SQLServer
Apache Hive
Azure Synapse Learn More
Databricks Spark
Apache Presto
Snowflake CDP Learn More
AWS Redshift Learn More
MS SQLServer
Apache Hive
Azure Synapse Learn More
Databricks Spark
Google BigQuery Learn More
Teradata Vantage Learn More
Google BigQuery Learn More
Teradata Vantage Learn More
Google BigQuery Learn More
Teradata Vantage Learn More

Low-prep / No-prepTM

Connect in minutes and start your data analytics journey

Intelligent Search

Explore data in natural language and get instant answers with charts and narrations.

AI-powered insights

Gain actionable insights to spot anomalies, identify trends, and uncover opportunities.


Discover recommendations after a comprehensive reasoning and analysis of your business metrics.


Go click-less and watch automated headlines emerge from your data based on your interests and behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to integrate MachEye with my data store?

You can connect any data source almost instantaneously to MachEye. Just enter your read-only data store credentials using MachEye's connector wizard and we will connect and automatically create a data catalog.

What data stores are currently supported by MachEye?

MachEye has prebuilt connectors to the following data stores: Amazon Redshift, Azure Synapse, Databricks Spark, Google BigQuery, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Snowflake CDP, Microsoft SQL Server, Teradata Vantage.

Can I embed MachEye into my platform?

Absolutely! Some of our clients use MachEye's search box, actionable insights, and audio-visual stories to power the reporting features in their own platforms. End customers benefit from an innovative self-service data experience and our APIs facilitate seamless integration with existing analytics systems.

Do you support CSV files?

Yes, in addition to prebuilt connectors with cloud and on-premises data sources, there is an option to upload a csv file for analysis.

Does my data store have to be on the cloud?

Your data store, be it on-premises or cloud, must allow the MachEye connection. If your data store is protected behind a firewall, we provide the IP address and port details that you can add to the list of allowed IP addresses.

Does MachEye connect to on-premises data stores?

Yes, we currently have pre-built connectors to all the leading on-premises data stores including Oracle, SQP Hana, SQL Server, and MySQL.

Do we have to migrate or duplicate data?

Not at all - MachEye does not duplicate or store any data. We convert natural language queries into SQL and run them in place. Processed results are used for visualization and storytelling but raw data is never duplicated.

Do I need to set up anything in my data store system to enable the connection with MachEye?

No. MachEye connects to your data store as a SQL client. It also inherits the entity relationships available in your data, making it a truly "low-prep no-prep" deployment.

What information is required to connect my data store to MachEye?

To connect to MachEye, you need to provide basic connection details such as host, port, database, schema, and login credentials.

Is there a limit on the number of data tables or overall size of the data store?

No. You can connect to a data store of any size, depending on your MachEye subscription plan. See our plans to check what best suits your requirements.

Do I have to create any database joins after connecting to my data store?

No. MachEye automatically fetches all the entity relationships available in your data store. You can edit these relationships and add new ones in MachEye, as per business requirements.

Does MachEye copy or store my data?

No. MachEye directly connects to your data, without duplicating or storing it.